It’s an unfortunate fact that headaches have several causes and unpredictable lengths. Their aching can cause difficulty completing life’s regular functions, and they’re simply unenjoyable to deal with. If your headache medication doesn’t seem to be doing its job, you should take a look at how to get rid of headaches naturally from home. Many fixes are intuitive and easy, so it won’t hurt to try them out and determine what works best for you. Hopefully, you can find a new solution to the annoying aches you cannot seem to get rid of.
Drinking Water Will Help Reduce Headaches
As with the body itself, the brain can become dehydrated if you do not consume adequate amounts of water. Dehydration causes the brain to shrink, pull away from the skull, and add pressure to the very nerves that cause you headache pain. This happens even with mild dehydration, so drinking enough fluids is critical for solving your headaches. Staying hydrated will ensure the brain stays at its normal size and relieves your nerves of any unwanted pressure. Simply drinking plenty of water is a prime example of how to get rid of headaches naturally without complex processes or treatment.
Magnesium: An Unexpected Solution
Magnesium oxide is one of the natural headache remedies that many people take long-term for chronic migraine prevention. According to WebMD, the typical dosage is about 400-600mg per day, but you should consult with a professional to figure out the right dose for you. It will take a few months before you notice the benefits, so staying consistent with your consumption will yield the best results.
Studies have shown that migraine sufferers usually have low magnesium levels. This triggers headaches due to magnesium’s vital role in regulating blood flow. When you have lower levels of magnesium, your brain’s blood vessels constrict, causing higher pressure and headaches. Magnesium is also believed to stop certain brain chemicals that cause pain. This combination of benefits makes magnesium a worthy long-term investment as one of your brain health supplements.
Lower Your Alcohol Consumption
You already know how important hydration is to avoiding headaches, so it makes sense that drinking too much alcohol can lead to painful headaches. Alcohol is a diuretic. When consumed, it forces your kidneys to process fluid and makes you expel more liquid than you are taking into your body. This kind of uneven fluid exchange can quickly lead to dehydration, which is why drinking alcohol causes headaches.
Lowering your alcohol intake can help tremendously if you drink regularly without supplementing with water. Adjusting your fluid intake for increased hydration is one of the easier and more effective natural headache remedies you can try. It’s one example of how to get rid of headaches naturally while benefiting your entire body.
Still Wondering How to Get Rid of Headaches Naturally? Get Better Sleep
As unfortunate as it may be, not getting enough sleep at night is one of the easiest ways to get consistent headaches. Sleeping for fewer hours disrupts your brain’s REM stage (and potentially others). When you go without these stages of sleep, your body produces more proteins that lower your pain threshold AND trigger migraines. It’s a horrible combination, but it has a simple solution. Setting more time aside for sleep is one of the best natural headache remedies out there.
You can take brain health supplements to combat any problems with falling asleep, such as melatonin and magnesium. If you’re getting adequate amounts of sleep but still experience headaches when you wake up, the issue might be grinding your teeth during the night or problems with sleep apnea.
Continuing the Fight: Stay Consistent with Your Solutions
Now that you know how to get rid of headaches naturally, it’s up to you to stay consistent with your methods. This means practicing your long-term exercises for fewer headaches, such as sleeping better and staying hydrated. If you’re still struggling to get rid of your headaches, there are brain health supplements you can try such as magnesium and melatonin. These natural headache remedies have worked for years, and we hope that they will work for you, too! Sign up for our newsletter for more helpful tips regarding healthy brain habits. Feel free to contact us at 615-933-5188 with any questions you may have.