Preventative Injury
Our brain is an organ whose complex functioning depends on a great number of micronutrients to perform well. Studies show that numerous vitamins including the B group, Vitamin C, and other minerals are important for normal brain functions.
Nutritional deficiencies have shown to contribute to developmental and psychiatric disorders and development of age-related cognitive decline, among other ailments.
Studies also show that an increased intake of brain-supporting nutrients improve various aspects of cognitive functioning, such as learning and memory, to help develop improved brain performance and mental agility.
For these reasons, it is important to ensure your brain is getting the right types of nutrients.
arrow_forward Vitamin A
Vitamin A is crucial for our minds, vision, breathing, digestion, immune system, and fetal development.
Retinoid acid, the bioactive metabolite of vitamin A, is a potent signaling molecule in the brain. It regulates numerous gene products and modulates neurogenesis, neuronal survival, and synaptic plasticity.
Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a universal health problem, yet our knowledge of its effects on behavior and learning is still emerging.
arrow_forward Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Nerve cells require Vitamin C in order to function properly according to a study, by scientists from Oregon Health & Science University, that was recently published in the Journal of Neuroscience. The highest concentration of Vitamin C is found in the brain, especially in the pituitary gland. You can get significant amounts of this powerful antioxidant from citrus fruits and green vegetables.
Vitamin C is important in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter dopamine. It protects the brain against oxidative stress. Vitamin C cannot be stored in the body, and for this reason, it is critically important to get adequate daily amounts from food. This translates to approximately 90mg daily, according to the guidelines published by Mayo Clinic Health System.
arrow_forward Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is called the sunshine vitamin because the skin creates it when exposed to sunlight. Many people do not get enough sunshine, which has led to widespread vitamin D deficiency. Scientists have now linked this fat-soluble nutrient’s hormone-like activity to the brain.
The body transforms Vitamin D3 into a powerful hormone for our bones, brains, heart, blood circulation, immune system and other organs.
“We know there are receptors for vitamin D throughout the central nervous system and in the hippocampus, we also know vitamin D activates and deactivates enzymes in the brain and the cerebrospinal fluid that are involved in neurotransmitter synthesis and nerve growth.”
Robert J. Przybelski,
Doctor and Research Scientist at the
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
In addition, studies suggest vitamin D protects neurons and reduces inflammation. New research published in The FASEB Journal explores that Vitamin D along with marine Omega-3 fatty acids, Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), are important for serotonin synthesis, release, and function in the brain. It also suggests that Vitamin D and Omega-3’s could work together to improve cognitive function and social behavior, with particular relevance and to overall mental health.
arrow_forward Vitamin E
Vitamin E is the major antioxidant protector for cell membranes. This supplement prevents free radical damage to specific fats in the body that are critical for your health, and naturally slows aging.
arrow_forward Vitamin K2
BIPRI Neuro Enhancer contains Vitamin K2 as menaquinone-7 (MK-7), the most potent K vitamin. K2 is required for cementing calcium into bones and for keeping calcium appropriately low in the body’s soft tissues.
A very exciting new area of research has been found from the laboratory of neuroscientist Patrik Verstreken, Ph.D., VIB (Flanders Institute for Biotechnology) and the University of Leuven in Belgium. Dr. Verstreken has identified vitamin K2 as a mitochondrial electron carrier molecule that is required to maintain high levels of mitochondrial activity and neurotransmitter release. These findings are important for understanding how nerve synapses function.
B Vitamins promote our brain signaling. Nerve cells, called neurons, within the brain communicate with each other and with the body using chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. The Linus Pauling Institute #1 explains that B vitamins including Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin and Folate are needed to produce neurotransmitters.
arrow_forward Thiamin (Vitamin B1)
Thiamin plays a key role in the maintenance of brain function Vitamin B1 is essential for the body to make energy and metabolize amino acids and blood sugars.
Thiamin is one of the many B vitamins that is found abundantly in the brain and nerve tissue. It aids in the conduction of nerve impulses, according to an article published in The Journal of International Medical Research.
arrow_forward Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
Vitamin B2, also called Riboflavin, is an important vitamin that acts as an antioxidant within the body. Vitamin B2 is responsible for maintaining healthy blood cells, helping to boost energy levels, facilitating a healthy metabolism, preventing free radical damage, contributing to growth, protecting skin and eye health, and more. Riboflavin is an essential cofactor for various enzymes that produce energy. Our cells need it to maintain their DNA and to regulate healthy gene activity.
Vitamin B2, like all B vitamins, is a water-soluble vitamin, because of this Vitamin B2 must be obtained through a healthy diet and replenished often, ideally every day, to avoid a Riboflavin deficiency. Vitamin B2 is needed for the functioning of every single cell within your body. A riboflavin deficiency, or lack of B vitamins in your diet, can create many serious side effects and lead to health issues.
arrow_forward Niacinamide (Vitamin B1)
Niacinamide is a fully active form of Vitamin B3 that every part of your body needs to function. Niacinamide is involved in the generation of energy by mitochondria, our cells’ energy generators.
This vitamin is easily depleted by excessive alcohol intake and by smoking.
Taken as a dietary supplement, it can help lower cholesterol, ease arthritis, and boost brain function, among other benefits.
arrow_forward Pantothenic Acids (Vitamin B5)
Vitamin B5, also called Pantothenic Acid, is one of the most important vitamins for human life. It is necessary for not only making blood cells but, it helps you convert the food you eat into energy.
Pantothenic Acid is essential for our cells to produce coenzyme A, which our bodies need to make amino acids, proteins, hormones, metabolize fats, and to build cell membranes.
arrow_forward Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6, also known as Pyridoxine and Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate, is essential for several enzymes that help the body utilize amino acids, fatty acids, and carbohydrates. It is important for brain development, the actions of neurotransmitters, and for maintaining our body’s antioxidant defenses.
arrow_forward Folate
Folate, also known as B-9 or as Methyl Folate, regulates DNA activity within our genes and supplies methyl groups, which our cells need to make and repair DNA.
Folate is a vitamin that is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, protein metabolism, cell growth, cell division, and prevention of neural tube defects.
The brain requires Methyl Folate to make neurotransmitters, myelin insulation for nerve cells, and melatonin, which is our sleep hormone. Methyl Folate also helps recycle the metabolic bi-product homocysteine to prevent it from building up to toxic levels.
arrow_forward Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 (as Methyl Cobalamin or Methyl-B12 / Vitamin B12) is involved in the function and development of the brain, nerve cells, blood cells, and the myelin sheaths that protect nerves. Vitamin B12 is taken to treat memory loss, poor concentration, Alzheimer’s disease and to boost mood or energy levels.
Lack of B12 can make your body unable to produce the protective myelin and can lead to nerve damage, cognitive problems and memory loss.
arrow_forward Biotin
Biotin is one of the eight vitamins that make up the Vitamin B complex. Biotin deficiency is relatively common in the U.S. population. It is vital for gene activity, energy and our DNA’s structure.
There are at least four enzymes that require a partnership with biotin to function in the body. Among the purposes of these enzymes is to synthesize fatty acids and to produce glucose.
Biotin is necessary for the production of Leucine, which is an essential amino acid. Recent studies have indicated that biotin has a part in the transcription and replication of DNA. In addition to being necessary for the nervous system to function properly, biotin is associated with the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, including those associated with cognitive function, emotional well-being and memory.
Biotin deficiency is a nutritional disorder that can become serious if untreated and is relatively common in the U.S. population.
arrow_forward Iodine
Iodine is essential for the thyroid hormones that help set the pace of our metabolism and overall activity level. Iodine helps:
Neurotransmitters: Iodine is required to produce thyroid hormones T4 and T3. Thyroid hormone receptors in the brain help regulate the production and use of all neurotransmitters.
Neuroprotectant: Iodine can kill bacteria, fungal infections and viruses. Iodine will remove fluoride, chlorine, and bromine. It helps your body detox heavy metals like mercury and cadmium that other detoxification methods cannot.
Brain Energy: Iodine is essential producing thyroid hormones, which help control cellular metabolism and energy use within brain cells. Supplemental Iodine usually results in increased energy levels and feelings of well-being.
arrow_forward Zinc
Zinc is essential for DNA integrity, prenatal and postnatal childhood development, sexual maturation, behavior, immunity, skin quality, and hair renewal. Zinc is found in high amounts in certain so-called “Zinc-containing neurons,” which are found exclusively in the forebrain. Scientists do not know what role zinc plays in the maintenance of brain health, but its deficiency is associated with different neurological and psychological impairments, including Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Foods high in zinc are pumpkin seeds, beef, and shrimp.
arrow_forward Copper
Copper is essential for the brain to make neurotransmitters. Copper is often referred to as a “brain food” because it helps the body synthesize phospholipids, which are vital to the development of myelin sheaths.
arrow_forward Selenium
Selenium is one of several nutrients known to have antioxidant properties, meaning Selenium plays a part in chemical reactions that stop free radicals from damaging cells and DNA. Free radicals are unstable molecules from environmental toxins, or from byproducts of the human body’s metabolism. Antioxidant supplements, including selenium, are often praised for helping prevent heart disease, cancer and vision loss.
arrow_forward Manganese
Manganese is a mineral essential for one of the enzymes, located within the mitochondria, which neutralizes oxygen free radicals as they are generated. Manganese is needed for the metabolism of carbohydrates, cholesterol, amino acids, and producing bone matrix components.
arrow_forward Chromium (as Picolinate)
The primary use of Chromium Picolinate is to support the body’s ability to manage healthy blood sugar levels. Additional benefits include healthy cholesterol level management, heart health, and support for the nervous system.
arrow_forward Molybdenum
Molybdenum is a trace element that is necessary to nearly all the earth’s life forms, and human beings are no exception. A deficiency of molybdenum can cause health problems that include rapid heartbeat, headache, mental health problems, and more.
BIPRI Neuro Enhancer provides a generous allowance of this mineral, which is required by at least five detoxification enzymes. Molybdenum neutralizes sulfites and bisulfites, which are potentially toxic substances that are generated by the body’s normal sulfur metabolism. Sulfites and bisulfites are common environmental pollutants and are sprayed onto foods and added into wines, vinegars, even into medical products as preservatives.
arrow_forward Choline
Choline is essential for normal brain function and healthy development. It supports the body’s production of nerve transmitters. Choline is required for nerve functions, muscle movements, energy, and a healthy metabolism. Choline helps with DNA gene regulation and liver function.
arrow_forward Resveratrol, Pterostilbene
Resveratrol promotes healthy heart muscle function. Multiple studies have shown that resveratrol may have a number of heart-healthy benefits, such as preventing damage to blood vessels, decreasing clots, lowering cholesterol, hindering inflammation and warding off stroke. Some of the most intriguing research is focused on its potential as a general anti-aging agent. Pterostilbene is chemically related to resveratrol and supports circulatory health.
arrow_forward Lutein and Zeaxanthin
Recent clinical studies suggest Lutein and Zeaxanthin contribute to healthy brain function. Lutein and Zeaxanthin intake in breastmilk has been linked to faster, improved neural development and connectivity. Research has found macular carotenoid supplementation, even in young healthy individuals, may result in significant improvements in visual processing speed. These two antioxidants are necessary for vision and brain health.
arrow_forward Hesperidin Flavonoid Complex
This complex is primarily found in citrus fruits. Hesperidin, alone or in combination with other bioflavonoids, provides powerful antioxidants known to protect blood vessel walls.
arrow_forward Boron
Boron supports cell energetics, especially for bone, joint and brain health. It is most often associated with mass and strength. Boron is commonly used by bodybuilders and athletes to aid in the body’s recovery process, prevent aches and pains, and boost testosterone levels. Boron does not only improve strength, it has also been linked to improved brain functions such as focus and learning.
arrow_forward Silicon
Silicon supports healthy bone and connective tissue renewal and may also be required for healthy immune response.
arrow_forward Phosphatidylserine (PS)
Phosphatidylserine is the brain nutrient best documented for improving memory, and is most abundant in the trillions of synapse where brain nerve cells interconnect. Research on Phosphatidylserine has shown many interesting benefits, such as it slows down the aging process, maintains cellular function, and helps to improve thinking and memory skills.
arrow_forward Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC)
Acetyl-L-Carnitine fuels energy generation by the mitochondria and supplies acetyl groups, which help the brain make the very important neurotransmitter acetylcholine. ALC and its acetyl groups are also used by the brain cells to help regulate their gene activity.
arrow_forward Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALA)
Alpha-Lipoic Acid is a major energy cofactor that is naturally built into the structure of three key energy enmesh that are very active in the brain cells, as well as every other cell in the body. ALA is a powerful antioxidant.
arrow_forward Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
Coenzyme Q10 is an essential addition for energy generation in the body, by the way of the mitochondria’s election transfer enzymes. These enzymes are constantly at work in all of our cells, with the most active cells residing in the brain and supplying its huge energy demands.
arrow_forward Eicosapentaenoic Acids (EPA)
Each 2-softgel serving of BIPRI Omega-3 Plus delivers 800mg of the omega-3 fatty acid EPA, which is present in the membrane systems of all our cells. Good EPA status is linked to healthy mood management.
EPA is also the source of many messenger substances called eicosanoids that travel around the body and help regulate healthy cell, tissue and organ functions.
arrow_forward Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
DHA is an extremely important molecular building block for all human cells. It is a major contributor to the fluid state of cell membranes, which is generally associated with efficient functioning of our cells. DHA is abundant in the structures connecting cells together within the nervous system.
Each 2-softgel serving of BIPRI Omega-3 Plus delivers 400mg of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA. DHA is linked to healthy memory and other cognitive functions. It is also a major source of eicosanoids and other messenger substances that regulate a variety of important life functions.
BIPRI Omega-3 Plus helps improve blood flow to the brain and reduce inflammation and plaque associated with disease.*
arrow_forward Phosphatidylserine (PS)
Phosphatdylserine is a major component of every cell in your body and is most concentrated in the brain. Phosphatidylserine is important for the membranes that make up the mitochondria, which are cell’s energy generators.
Phosphatidylserine is extensively researched, with over 38 double-blind clinical trials, and hundreds of other human studies. Over 3,000 published research papers and more than 60 clinical trials have established Phosphatidylserine can rejuvenate your brain cell membranes.
arrow_forward Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC)
This amino acid is naturally produced in the body and has fundamental importance in energy production as well as for gene, enzyme, and neurotransmitter functions.
You may have heard of L-Carnitine. It’s an amino acid that helps your body produce more energy. It energizes your heart, lungs, liver, and your entire body. The problem is, L-Carnitine can’t cross the blood-brain barrier. So in order to boost energy in your brain, you will need another form of L-Carnitine. It’s called Acetyl-L-Carnitine, or ALC.
ALC is able to get inside your brain and give it an invigorating energy boost. The efficacy of ALC has been proven in over 21 double-blind studies. In a study, conducted by Stanford University, patients with serious mental decline became less forgetful after taking ALC. In another study, patients who took ALC performed 2.8 times better on mental tests than those taking a placebo. In yet another study, patients over 100 years old were given ALC daily. All of these patients had memory problems, and they also suffered from fatigue and muscle weakness. After taking ALC for 6 months, they had improved mental functions, more energy, stronger muscles, and less body fat. If ALC worked so well for these 100-year patients with severe mental decline … imagine what it can do for you!
You get an ample 666 mg of ALC daily from BIPRI BRAIN & MEMORY FUEL, included in BIPRI ESSENTIAL twide-daily AM and PM supplements.
arrow_forward N-AcetylCysteine (NAC)
As your active brain consumes large amounts of oxygen it generates oxygen free radicals that need to be tightly controlled. Numerous studies have shown that NAC provides powerful antioxidant defense against free radicals. NAC enhances the electrochemical balance within the nerve cells to help maintain optimal conditions for metabolic and neurotransmitter activities.
arrow_forward Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA)
Alpha-Lipoic Acid is a vitamin-like nutrient, that is vital to cellular energy production. ALA works within your cell mitochondria to generate energy. It is a powerful antioxidant.
arrow_forward Ginkgo Biloba Extract
This plant extract supports healthy blood flow, which is critical to brain health. Our brain needs at least 20% of your blood flow when at rest and even more when it is fully mentally engaged.
It is one of the world’s most popular remedies for memory problems and it certainly lives up to its reputation. Over 1,000 studies have shown it improves memory, thinking, and alertness. One study found that you may even see improvements in just one week.
Clinical research suggests Ginkgo may work better when combined with Phosphatidylserine (PS)
arrow_forward Huperzine A
Huperzine A enhances general cognitive functions such as learning and memory. It is extracted from Huperzia Serrata, a renowned Chinese medicinal herb. This substance improves the actions of the acetylcholine neurotransmitter system. This system performs a central role in memory and behavior.
arrow_forward Acetyl-L-Tyrosine
Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is a key component in the production of, and transmission by, neurotransmitters, which are essential to memory.
The amino acid L-Tyrosine is critical for many different bodily functions such as cognitive processes, building muscles, cell growth, and recovery. Taking Acetyl-L-Tyrosine may support peak performance for both your brain and body by improving neural communication and helping you better handle stress. It is one of the cognitive enhancement supplements that may promote better balance of the neurotransmitter levels in your brain.
You will receive 300mg daily using BIPRI BRAIN & MEMORY FUEL, included in BIPRI ESSENTIALS twice-daily AM and PM supplements.
arrow_forward Bacopa Monnieri
Bacopin (Bacopa) helps repair damaged nerves in the brain and improves information processing speed. Bacopa Monnieri – this herb has been used by the Indians to boost memory for over 6,000 years. Today, over 14 studies confirm that Bacopa really works. One study found that Bacopa improved memory and recall abilities in people over age 55. Another study found that Bacopa helped people grasp new information faster and recall it accurately a few days later. Yet another study found that Bacopa helped people learn a new skill 40% faster!
You will receive 300mg daily using BIPRI BRAIN & MEMORY FUEL, included in BIPRI ESSENTIALS twice-daily AM and PM supplements.
BIPRI Neuro Enhancer | ||
Serving Size 4 Capsules, or 2 capsules per packet Servings Per Container 30, or 60 Cellophane Packets | ||
Amount Per Serving | % DV | |
Vitamin A (as retinyl palmitate) (PS) | 5000 IU | 100% |
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) | 200 mg | 333% |
Vitamin D (as D3, cholecalciferol) | 2000 IU | 500% |
Vitamin E | 30 IU | 100% |
Vitamin K (as K2, menaquinone-7, MK-7) | 45mcg | 56% |
Thiamin(Vitamin B1) (as thiamin HCI) | 50 mg | 3333% |
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) | 50 mg | 2941% |
Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) | 50 mg | 250% |
Vitamin B5 (as d-calcium pantothenate) | 50 mg | 500% |
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCI and pyridoxal-5-phosphate) | 25 mg | 1250% |
Folate (as Quatrefolic® methylfolate, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, glucosamine salt) | 400 mcg | 100% |
Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin) | 500 mcg | 8333% |
Biotin (as d-biotin) | 500 mcg | 167% |
Pantothenic acid (as d-calcium pantothenate) | 50 mg | 500% |
Calcium (as pantothenate, citrate) | 20 mg | 2% |
Iodine (as potassium iodide) | 75 mcg | 50% |
Magnesium (as glycinate and malate) | 50 mg | 12% |
Zinc (as glycinate) | 20 mg | 133% |
Selenium (as high-selenium yeast) | 200 mcg | 286% |
Copper (as glycinate) | 500 mcg | 25% |
Manganese (as glycinate) | 5mg | 250% |
Chromium (as picolinate) | 200 mcg | 167% |
Molybdenum (as sodium molybdate) | 50 mcg | 67% |
High-gamma mixed tocopherols (Vitamin B2) | 30 mg | † |
Choline (as bitartrate) | 25 mg | † |
Boron (as glycinate) | 1.5 mg | † |
Silicon (as horsetail extract) | 3 mg | † |
Lutein, carotenoid | 3 mg | † |
Zeaxanthin, carotenoid | 00 mcg | † |
Resveratrol(as trans-resveratrol) | 20 mg | † |
Pterostilbene | 20 mcg | † |
Proprietary Brain Boosting Blend(acetylcarnitine, alpha-lipoic acid, phosphatidylserine/PS, coenzyme Q10/CoQ) | 575 mg | † |
† Daily Value (DV) not established. Daily Value is based on a 2000 calorie diet. | ||
Other Ingredients: Vegetable cellulose (vegetarian capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide. Free from milk/dairy, gluten, wheat, yeast, soy, eggs, corn, or artificial colors or flavoring. |
BIPRI Omega 3 Plus | ||
Serving Size 2 Softgels Servings Per Container 30 | ||
Amount Per Serving | % DV | |
Calories | 18 | † |
Calories from fat | 18 | † |
Total Fat | 2g | 3% |
Saturated Fat | 158.2g | <1% |
Polyunsaturated Fat | 2g | † |
Monounsaturated Fat | 0 | † |
Trans Fat | 0 | † |
Cholestrol | 0 | † |
Vitamin E | 20IU | 67% |
Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Total | 2000 mg | †† |
EPA (Elcosapentaenoic Acid) | 800mg | †† |
DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) | 400mg | †† |
†Daily Value is based on a 2,000 calorie diet | ||
††Daily Value not established | ||
Other Ingredients: Norwegian Fish Oil, D-Alpha Tocopherol, Natural Citrus Flavored Gelatin (Gelatin, Glycerin, Water) Contains: Fish (Anchovy, Sardine and Mackerel). |
BIPRI Brain & Memory Fuel | ||
Serving Size 4 Capsules Servings Per Container 30 | ||
Amount Per Serving | % DV | |
PhosphatidylSerine (PS) (as Sharp PS™ Green from sunflower lecithin) | 100 mg | † |
AcetylCarnitine (as acetyl-l-carnitine HCI) | 300 mg | † |
N-AcetylCysteine (NAC) | 100 mg | † |
Alpha-Lipoic Acid | 200 mg | † |
Ginkgo Biloba extract, (PureLeaf™) (Ginkgo Biloba, leaf) [standardized to 24% ginkgo flavonols, 6% terpene lactones, ≤ 5 ppm ginkgolic acids] | 80 mg | † |
Huperzine A (Huperzia serrata) | 100 mcg | † |
Acetyl-L-Tyrosine | 300 mg | † |
Bacopa Monnieri (high Bacoside) | 300 mg | † |
† Daily Value (DV) not established. | ||
Other Ingredients: Vegetable cellulose (vegetarian capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide. Free from milk/dairy, gluten, wheat, yeast, soy, eggs, corn, or artificial colors or flavoring. |